Friday, June 8, 2012

Evolution of a Character: Lucifer Revisited.

Here's a quick look at the character of Lucifer in Chapter 15.
For anyone who hasn't read chapter 15 go here.
The idea of including a revisit of Lucifer from the original BSG was going to be a joke in the form of the name of a random Centurion in what later became the next chapter, but I decided to further flesh the character out into the manic lunatic that we now see.
The idea was to think of what he would be like as an actual person, then to completely rethink his personality. The cloak became a black suit with gold pin striping. The glowing cranium became a chrome hat that is meant to be reminiscent of a Cylon Centurion's head.
The idea of his obsession with pentagons came from the need to explain how the coaxial pentagons on the wings of Cylon Raiders became the Cylon logo. Then there was the idea of symbols in the series, the idea that Tamara Adama had her signature in V-world so Zoe needed her own. The joining of these ideas turned Lucifer into Zoe's biggest fan who is an insane Cylon put in charge of both Caprica and Caprica's V-world.
The influences on how I wrote the character were David Tennant's rambling and Michael Sheen's cane twirling from TRON.
In this story, the I-L series is the dog walking Cylon from the shape of things to come.

All in all, Lucifer wrote himself and deeply integrated himself into the story.

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