Monday, July 30, 2012

Chapter 2 Uploaded

The second chapter of my second Caprica fan-fiction is uploaded.
One of the big changes I've tried to make this time is to pay more attention to character motivations and make the characters actually do things, rather than just having things happen and have the characters there as "talking heads" to explain things.
I have also surprised myself with some happy accidents in writing that have led me to write a prologue for the story that takes place within the main era of BSG that acts as a hint of what is to come within the story itself. I'll just say that there are quite a few story elements that seem reminiscent of the song "All Along the Watchtower".
I will continue with weekly updates, and as always, I continue to support the other fans who do their best to keep the series alive. I feel it is the duty of the fans to keep these series alive and show the producers that we do care. So say we all.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

An Anti-Retconner's Guide to Cylon Models

One think that has always bugged me about some stories is the way certain events are contradicted later on. In the BSG miniseries we saw a classic Cylon that was later supposedly replaced by the Cylon Centurions from "BSG: Razor". Being a nerd, I try to reconcile certain continuity errors. Here is my guide to Cylon models in a way that retains the classic Cylons within the continuity.

Cylon models:
 -U-87 covers all cylons seen in season 1 of Caprica and the Cylon Centurions seen in the "Cain Flashback" from "BSG: Razor"
 -0005 mk1 is the "Pilot" model seen in "BSG: Razor",  is a slight improvement on the original U-87 design, and is also used as the main workforce for the Twelve Colonies
 -0005 mk2 is the "man-in-suit" Cylon seen in the BSG miniseries and the mural in Bill Adama's sleeping quarters (The 0005 mk1 is standing in the way of it in the episode "Daybreak"), these are often used in the Cylon war for missions requiring agility more than brute force

 -0005 mk3 is the type used in the upcomming BSG movie "Blood and Chrome" and is a complete derivation from the original Cylon outline

 -I-L model is the Cylon seen walking dogs in the "Shape of Things to Come" montage at the end of "Caprica: Apotheosis" and is used for more civilian purposes such as butlers until the Cylon war when their advanced programming made them useful as leaders within basestars. Models of this type existed even early on and can be seen as schematics on the Graystone family computer in season 1.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Fan-Fic

I've begun writing an alternative to my original story. When I originally wrote the first Caprica story, I only had the summarization of the proposed Caprica Season 2 plot points and there was much I didn't understand or took out of context. The biggest change was the fact that I didn't understand the "Uncanny Valley" reference in The Caprica Times' interview with Kevin Murphy which was meant to be a major plot point of why it took three years to create the first "Skin Job" body for Zoe. All in all, the original story, upon re-reading, came across as heavy handed, derivative, and, at times, just plain naive. I decided that there were quite a few things that didn't make sense in my original story as well, including motivations for characters and the fact that Zoe had more than enough time to explain to Tamara what was going on in "Here be Dragons" making it unrealistic for Tamara to become the main antagonist. You will see the return of some characters from my first story; including Lucifer (though not in the same format). So I invite you to join me for a tale that will hopefully capture your imaginations in the same way as Caprica season one. The new story can be found here

As  a side note, I'd like to make a shout out to fellow Caprica fan, Ryan lawrence, who is currently in the process of writing his own Caprica Fan-Fiction in the form of the "Caprica Comic" and, through his fan site, the Caprica Times, is the main inspiration for my own stories. Please show your support for his story and the Caprica Times by reading his comic and signing the petition to bring back Caprica for a full second season. THe comic can be found at and the petition at

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Concept Art and Announcements

I decided to do some concept art (namely the chrome fedora) for my story.

I've also had a chance to read through the Caprica Times interview with Kevin Murphy (Show runner for Caprica Season 1.5) and realizeed just how far removed my story was from the original Caprica Season 2 plan (I used a summarization of the plot points from the BSG wiki site to base my story off of). It is my opinion that the original story plan is a much better story and have decided on a complete rewrite to better reflect the ideas shared by the original Caprica writing team. The original is still, and always will be, found here.
Also, I also bring back to your attention the Caprica Times petition. I am in no way affiliated with the writer of the Caprica Tiems but am a huge supporter of his work including the petition and his "Caprica Comic" which has become a huge inspiration in my writing of this story. Please support his work and sign the petition.

Monday, July 2, 2012