Monday, July 30, 2012

Chapter 2 Uploaded

The second chapter of my second Caprica fan-fiction is uploaded.
One of the big changes I've tried to make this time is to pay more attention to character motivations and make the characters actually do things, rather than just having things happen and have the characters there as "talking heads" to explain things.
I have also surprised myself with some happy accidents in writing that have led me to write a prologue for the story that takes place within the main era of BSG that acts as a hint of what is to come within the story itself. I'll just say that there are quite a few story elements that seem reminiscent of the song "All Along the Watchtower".
I will continue with weekly updates, and as always, I continue to support the other fans who do their best to keep the series alive. I feel it is the duty of the fans to keep these series alive and show the producers that we do care. So say we all.

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