Saturday, July 28, 2012

An Anti-Retconner's Guide to Cylon Models

One think that has always bugged me about some stories is the way certain events are contradicted later on. In the BSG miniseries we saw a classic Cylon that was later supposedly replaced by the Cylon Centurions from "BSG: Razor". Being a nerd, I try to reconcile certain continuity errors. Here is my guide to Cylon models in a way that retains the classic Cylons within the continuity.

Cylon models:
 -U-87 covers all cylons seen in season 1 of Caprica and the Cylon Centurions seen in the "Cain Flashback" from "BSG: Razor"
 -0005 mk1 is the "Pilot" model seen in "BSG: Razor",  is a slight improvement on the original U-87 design, and is also used as the main workforce for the Twelve Colonies
 -0005 mk2 is the "man-in-suit" Cylon seen in the BSG miniseries and the mural in Bill Adama's sleeping quarters (The 0005 mk1 is standing in the way of it in the episode "Daybreak"), these are often used in the Cylon war for missions requiring agility more than brute force

 -0005 mk3 is the type used in the upcomming BSG movie "Blood and Chrome" and is a complete derivation from the original Cylon outline

 -I-L model is the Cylon seen walking dogs in the "Shape of Things to Come" montage at the end of "Caprica: Apotheosis" and is used for more civilian purposes such as butlers until the Cylon war when their advanced programming made them useful as leaders within basestars. Models of this type existed even early on and can be seen as schematics on the Graystone family computer in season 1.

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